Sanjeev Chatterjee

Sanjeev ChatterjeeSanjeev Chatterjee is a professor, visual storyteller, and avid mentor to young changemakers in media and related fields. He has been on the faculty of the University of Miami’s School of Communication since 1994, and has an M.F.A. in radio and television, specializing in documentary storytelling. Sanjeev also serves on the faculties of Salzburg Academy on Media and Global Change and Young India Fellowship. In 2015, he founded the Florida-based nonprofit Media for Change with the goal of creating a global collaborative network of media changemakers. Sanjeev’s documentary work has won top awards internationally and attracted funding from multiple sources including the Knight Foundation, Florida Humanities Council, UNDP, UN Water, Stockholm International Water Institute, United States Institute of Peace, and others. He was a 2011 Fulbright Scholar and serves on the Fulbright national selection committee.
