Krista Schlyer

Krista SchlyerKrista Schlyer is a conservation photographer and writer whose focus is long-term conservation documentary projects with subjects ranging from the U.S.-Mexico borderlands to the Anacostia River watershed in Washington, D.C. Under her Borderlands Project, Krista launched a communications campaign to raise awareness about the long-range implications of a U.S. border wall with Mexico, including publishing Continental Divide: Wildlife, People, and the Border Wall, which won the National Outdoor Book Award among other honors and creating a series of award-winning films on the subject. Krista’s work has been published by the BBC, Nature Conservancy, High Country NewsNewsweek, Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, Audubon, and others. Her fourth book, River of Redemption: Almanac of Life on the Anacostia, is scheduled for publication in October 2018. Krista is an International League of Conservation Photographers Senior Fellow.
